Ebook Ghost Writing for Dummies
I think I'll start collecting some of the finer "ghost writing" job postings I get via email. Take this one for example (original formatting retained for your enjoyment):
Need a recipe writer for a long term basis to ghost write small ebooks (of 30 recipes). The ebook should contain the following:I'm really curious whether people actually snap up these offers. Amazing.
-A short introduction to the book (1 page)
-30 original recipes
-A Creative and Descriptive Title
Recipes need to be original as all the work will be checked for duplicate content.
My budget is $10 per ebook, but this can be ongoing work for the eligible applicant.
I am looking to get 1 ebook a week.
This bid is for the first 10 books, but looking for ongoing contractor.
Please send with coverletter samples of your original recipes, so I can check your skill level.
**NO UPFRONT PAYMENT - you will be paid in installments, after each book is approved.
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