Emergency Rooms and the Persistance of Nasal Cilia
It's hard to find a lot of positives about spending time in emergency rooms, doctor's offices, and diagnostic imaging centers. There are lots of opportunities to pray for people, and that's good. It builds gratitude for those who work and serve the hurting in those places, and gratitude is a good thing. And you get to read magazines that you might not normally pick up.
While playing the waiting game the other night, my one magazine option was Popular Science. From it I learned that you shouldn't pull out those pesky nose hairs because the nose is apparently a dirty, dirty place. Pulling can lead to infection.
Even more fascinating is the fact that our nasal passages are filled with cilia which are constantly in motion, sweeping particulates into gunk deposits that we get rid of later in various ways. Apparently the cilia live on even once we have passed away, and forensic scientists can peek at it to help determine time of death.
I had no idea.
You learn the strangest things in the strangest places.
Ahaa, now I understand what I mistook for ignoring my drug induce state. (perhaps I should clarify...these were drugs given by nurses for pain.) You were actually running thru a brain sprinkler with a splish- splash and slippery slide of cilia knowledge.