On Orgasm

I'm editing a devotional titled Sex With God, and since beginning work on it, my Dolce has requested that I write a poem about orgasm. I finally did it, as a birthday gift.

And now I offer it to you, as well.

On Orgasm

My beloved asked
for a poem about orgasm
perhaps thinking my words
would summon memories
of fireworks exploding
or waves lapping shores
or hurricane forces, unleashed
but I think what is needed
is a sonnet to their softness
curving into my back
warm skin praying for me
as I slip into sleep.

Orgasm pulls us
away from our minds
into single points of being
incapable of thought
for a moment
every troubling thing
until awareness ebbs back
returning us
to where we began.

We need escape.
But what we need even more
is a beloved, like mine
curving warm against our backs
pouring their love
into our souls.


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